‘GreenDress fun’ 2021-2023
cut canvas ([photo work](/Image))
of me behind 'GreenDress' 2019-2021
made of textile from my mother's rag cupboard, combined with textile material from autonomous fashion designer Julie Muller:
the starting point was one of the textile pieces Julie Muller and me made [in collaboration](/Cvcollab)
for our project '[AAN](/AAN)' presented in Borgerstraat Open Studios during Art Rotterdam Februari 2020.
Julie and me were working from our left-over textiles, in Dutch 'lappenkast' materials:
partially left-overs from both of our works, partially textiles that belonged to our mothers and had become redundant
in this way, a '[VerteerWezens](/VerteerWezens)' work
a cut open version of this photo work is exhibited in my solo ‘VerteerWezens (handed down, revalued)’ in Anningahof until October 2023

‘GreenDress’ 2019-2021
different textiles, wooden pole, 220 x 75 x 3 cm
related work: ‘CutDressCutPhoto (green)’ 1999 (cut photo) / ‘roseclotH’ 2004 (textile) / ‘stofdoekencarroussel’ 2005 (textile) / ‘TijgerVrouw)’ 2008 (textile, wood) / ‘Bazar des Façades’ in Club Solo 2016 / ‘AAN balance Together’ 2021 / ‘hiding behind witheid (whiteness)’ 2022 /