cv: solos&group shows / prizes and collections / reviews / collaborations / cv education & research & committee / published work / commissions / wide-scope cv in NL

Karin Arink

from 1987 (my 2nd year at art school) i have loved to collaborate in many (at times interdisciplinary) projects.
i enjoy the exchange and i am fascinated by the process of collaboration: how ideas and words spark off new ones,
by a mixed recipe of miss-understandings, picking up someone else’s ideas and taking them further, respect and self-positioning.
the self expands and dilutes, your own ideas are visibly touched by the others'
and the energy this exchange generates enables the collaborators to embark on more complex projects.
my artistic practice comprises both this shifty collaborative process and a more solitary research into states of self

overview of the collaborative projects:

2023 work for ‘RaamWerk II’ in NE Studios Noordereiland, collaboration with poet Iris Brunia for one of the windows of this studio building, summer 2023

2019-2020 ‘Proefopstelling 1’ used glass, chrystal, light - test installation made with Renée Kool for Groot Rotterdams Atelier Weekend, October 2020

2019-2020AAN’ project, artistic dialogue on the work of conceptual textile artist Anna (1935-1980), with autonomous fashion designer Julie Müller (fraumuller) for Open Studios Borgerstraat Rotterdam February 2020

2018…abordons un sujet délicat’ installation made in collaboration with Renée Kool, for room 10. ‘Controle en Loslaten’ in the collection exhibition ‘ARS LONGA VITA BREVIS’ in Rijksmuseum Twenthe, with my selection from the collection of RMT, a selection of my own works and 2 pieces in collaborations with Renée Kool, the other one being ‘Instruction.Sculptor.Sculpture’ 2011

2013 ‘B.a.d To The Future Now!’ event to celebrate the legalisation and renovation of the building in Charlois and the start of a new B.a.d - opening with lecture series, party with artists’ contributions, exhibition ‘Site Specific Squat’ by B.a.d guest Heena Kim with a.o. my works in situ

2011He Who Travels / Traverse’ collaboration with artist/choreographer Piet Rogie contemporary dance installation piece with musicians, dancers and artists a.o. Leopold Emmen - in GEMAK The Hague and the Rotterdamse Schouwburg, a.o. ‘EntwinedFamily’ 2007

2011 for the exhibition ‘Kijker in Beeld’ in Pulchri Studios Den Haag : performance video with Renée Kool Instruction.Sculptor.Sculpture; camera, light and sound: Erik Weeda

2010 for Museum Nacht in Goethe Institut Rotterdam, with Sae Inukai the performance ‘Stories To Tell Each Other

2010 for Kunsteyssen Alkmaar: with Niki van Strien we proposed a group show A Stroke of Insight, with Dwight Marica, Laurien Dumbar and Geogio Bachtsevanidis - unfortunately asbestos was found so the exhibition could not take place

2009 in a church in De Wijk, Arie de Groot and me made an installation, on invitation of ‘Grensloos Kunst Verkennen Ijhorst’

2009 for Het Plafond (run by Guus Vreeburg and Willem Besselink) i made an installation in collaboration with Ties Ten Bosch: ‘WAT IS TUSSEN ONS

2009 Gerard Polhuis invited me to install some of my drawings and the multiple ‘X-stance’ 2008 in his installation for Galerie Tanya Rumpff at ArtBrussels

2009 together with Marleen Hartjes, Marieke Olislagers, Ilse Melis and Jalila Essaïdi we made the group show JEUK at KunstpodiumT - as part of the Leerling Meester (later Apprentice Master) project

2008 the monograph Karin Arink - States of Self is the result of an intense collaboration with artist (and long-time friend) Bibo

2006 for the exhibition ‘FAMILIE’ me and André van de Wijdeven made the work ‘Kutschatje Omhelzing’ 2006

2005 B.a.d To The Future! continues: i wrote the text for the leaflet visualising our plans with the building of Foundation B.a.d, developed in dialogue with Fluxes architects Rotterdam.

2004 co-curating the show ’tintelingen’ (stimuli form self-images <-> images tickle ideas)
at EMC and Erasmus University Rotterdam with C. Ampt and R. Kolleman.
various locations at the Medical Faculty and the University; opening 1/10/04
participating artists: myself (a.o. ‘four parts in 8’ made for this exhibition), Diana van der Harst, Annemarie Nibbering, Hatice Güleryüz, Harmen Verbrugge and Robin Kolleman.

from 1995- now: various projects as member of Foundation B.a.d
realsied in 2001-2012:‘B.a.d to the Future!’ and 2001 SWAFB003 (redeveloping the inner area in collaboration with the neighbours)

2002 Platland Nieuw Charlois
Programme of 8 workshops for children age 6-12 from the neighbourhood of Charlois,
commissioned by Charlois’ Welzijn, Rotterdam, NL.
Every workshop, a different aspect of the concept: ‘a place of your own’ resulted
in a different element in a specific technique. After the workshop, the elements
were transformed into another dimension. These elements together construed the
imaginary new neighbourhood: Platland Nieuw Charlois. Collaboration with 4 fellow-
members of Foundation B.a.d: Jitka Andrea, Bibo, and Kamiel Verschuren.

2002 improv night in Jen Metz’ installation at Ruimte X Tilburg: text-improvs
reacting on her work

reactive work to access 21 animations, made in collaboration with Arthur Clemens.
Commission for Revalidatiecentrum De Vogellanden, Zwolle. Coached by SKOR, Amsterdam > reactive works

1999whiteboard writings’: CD-rom,
accessing whiteboard animations made in CCA Kitakyushu Japan 1998-1999, made
in collaboration with Arthur Clemens > reactive works

1998 ‘Crash Landing Lisboa’: It’s about time’, improvisation
project by Meg Stuart & co in Lisbon, P: i contributed costumes / actions
/ textimprovs.

1997 ‘KLAM’, dance/theatre piece with Arhtur Clemens, Liorah
Hoek, Mio van der Lijn: danced, co-choreographed and co-designed the costumes
for furthur dance/theatre/improvs: > dance

1996 member of ‘NEsTWORK’, one of the participating artists’ groups
of Manifesta 1., Rotterdam. I contributed to the complex network of projects
initiated by ‘NEsTWORK’, coordinated the ‘My House : Your Home’ project
in the B.a.d Foundation, and I co-composed ‘Going Places’: a series
of multi-media evenings that focussed on experiences of place.

1996 on one of the Going Places nights, dialogue/inter-reaction between
me and Karin Spaink > links

1995 I composed a group show, WITHINSIGHTS, at the Villa Alkmaer, Rotterdam - then part of CBK Rotterdam.
Participating artists: Karin Arink, Bibo, Manon de Boer, Arthur Clemens, Liorah
Hoek, Annemarie Nibbering, Paul Klemann. I wrote the accompanying text and co
designed the invitation with Mio van der Lijn and Liorah Hoek.

1995 ‘alles is in orde’ (everything’s allright),
installation consisting of a spatial enclosure made in collaboration and pieces
by Annemarie Nibbering and myself, in Galerie Tanya Rumpff, Haarlem

1994 Oefening in Hardheid’ dance/theatre duet performed
by myself and Liorah Hoek, for which I also did the costumes
(in collaboration with Jacqueline Rensen) :

for further dance/theatre/improvs: > dance

1993 ‘Murw speelt Geplette Smaak’, text-based slightly absurdist
dance/theatre piece directed by Liorah Hoek, in which I was one of the 7 performers
for furthur dance/theatre/improvs: > dance

1987-1989 Pogo: contemporary jewellery/wearable objects in plastics, paraffin, wire, etc,
by Nanette Dik, Esther de Bruin, Annemiek Mion and me,
exhibited in gallery in Dordrecht, and shown worn by dancers in Poeldijk and in Delft

1987-1988 member of Antra, artists’ discussion group, with a.o. Harmen Verbrugge, Roel Meelkop, Michiel de Kort, Renée Zuiderveld, Annemiek Mion, ) presentation in Delfshaven 1988