‘AAN - balance together’ 2019-2021
different textiles, 1991 textile piece with metal hanger, wooden pole,
180 x 175 x 6 cm
starting point was one of the textile pieces Julie Muller and me made during end of 2019 - early 2020 ‘in collaboration for our project ‘AAN’ 2019-2020 presented in Borgerstraat Open Studios during Art Rotterdam Februari 2020.
Julie and me were working from our left-over textiles, in Dutch ’lappenkast’ materials:
partially left-overs from both of our works, partially textiles that had belonged to our mothers and had become redundant
for this work, I later combined the ‘AAN’ piece with more left-over textiles (from my grandmother’s collection) - and finally with the textile piece ‘untitled (together)’ 1991 (made during my working period at Rijksakademie Amsterdam)
consisting of a nightgown taken apart, embroidery with hair-like hemp thread, which also formed the long ‘hairs’ hanging down, and a hand-made metal hanger:

this work was the basis for an iteration shown in RaamWerk II, NE Studios until October 2023
window installed in collaboration with poet Iris Brunia:
since 2017 I have more consciously been using a method of re-using, rethinking and combining all my art works, with the series ‘VerteerWezens’ now expanding as a method in all my work
related “rag” garments & photoworks works: ‘roseclotH’ 2004 / ‘behind transparan-she’ 2017 (photo) / ‘green dress’ 2019-2021 /
other sign works: ‘in stilte geknoopt’ 1991 (textile) / ‘H-dress’ 2001 / ‘X-pose (your self to me)’ 2001 (textile) / ‘Y-tree’ 2010 / ‘Little Star’ 2011 (porcelain) / ‘FrothWoman’ 2016 /