chronological list of works (all media) by Karin Arink (selection)

> ‘checkered’ 2024 (working title) (first try with video)
> ‘embracing discomfort’ (photo work)
> as yet untitled (discomfort) papier mache of egg boxes, wooden stand (1991)
> ‘up in arms’ (working title) start of series for mo-editions
> ‘checkered’ 2024 working title, first time testing video as a medium instead of photography, working with leftover textiles from the ‘AAN’ project in collaboration with Julie Muller 2019-2020
> continued working on ‘VerteerWezen 18 (bird cover dress)’ 1977- (working title) textile work started in 2022 leading to (photo work) ‘with birdie’ and ‘(as yet untitled)’ (photo work)
> ‘Gronden’ 2023-2024 text work written in preparation for my solo ‘Hollow Grounds’, first draft in October 2023, edited in 2024 and published ao in Beelden Magazine > reviews
> a new cut lifesize version of photo workbehind shredded lilac’ 2019-2024, photo digitally optimalized by Marc Gijzen, for the solo ‘Hollow Grounds’ 2024 in Museum Beelden aan Zee
> solo ‘Hollow Grounds’ in Museum Beelden aan Zee Scheveningen (until 1 April 2024)

> reworked ‘Voelers, geen Voeten’ (Feelers, no Feet) 2007, added elements to textile installation for solo ‘Hollow Grounds’ in 2024 - also repaired other works
> ‘Hollow Grounds’ series of cut photos, original (photo work) 1999-2017-2019 ‘blue dress’
> reworked and final form of presentation of ‘VerteerWezen 17 (open up - remade)’ 2003-2023
> cut ‘behind red arms’ 2020-2023 (photo work)
> work for ‘RaamWerk II’ in NE Studios Noordereiland, collaboration with poet Iris Brunia for one of the windows of this artist run studio building
> solo ‘VerteerWezens (handed down, revalued)’ in Anningahof 2023
> ‘GreenDressFun’ 2019-2023, cut canvas (photo work)
> ‘VerteerWezen 13 (carrying sleigh)’ 2020-2023
> final presentation form for ‘VerteerWezen 17 (open up - remade)’ 2003-2023 > sold
> finished ‘VerteerWezen 16 (white shield or arms)’ 2021-2023
> cut lifesize version of photo workbehind shredded lilac’ 2019-2023
> ‘VerteerWezen 20 (snowwhite revisited)’ 2022-2023, for The Anatomical Lesson Revisited, travelling exhibition 2023 - 2024

> started on ‘VerteerWezen 19 (embracing old pain)’ (working title)
> started ‘VerteerWezen 18 (bird cover)’ 1977-, with birdie 1977' (working title) textile work in progress leading to (photo work) ‘with birdie’
> ‘muscle play’ 2022- series of playful photo collages with images from a 1980s MUSCLE magazine
> ‘hiding behind witheid (whiteness)’ 2022 (photo work) with ‘VerteerWezen 16 (white shield)’ changed in 2023
> ‘VerteerWezen 15 (retrieved arms)’ 2020-2022 > ‘behind arms’ 2022 (photo work)
> ‘untitled (palangolé)’ 2022 textile
> ‘fluid influences’ 2022 pink water colour drawings
> ‘re-model series’ 1991-2022 water colour drawings on/over 1992 model drawings

> ‘AAN-balance together’ 2021 textile piece started in 2020 for the AAN project and combined with textile work ‘untitled (together)’ 1991
> ‘PuzzelVrouwenSpel (Dubbel)’ 2021 (installation with cut photos and projection, for Night Shift, project commissioned by Cultura Nova festival in empty shops in the centre of Heerlen)
> repaired and reworked ‘open up!’ 2003-2021 >
> continuing ‘HandHeld’ 2017- ongoing (series of hand-cut inkjet prints of scans of my arm)
> started ‘behind AAN’ (photo work)
> ‘GreenDress & GreenDressFun’ textile made from material of the 2020 AAN project + playing with ‘green dress’ (photo work)
> ‘VerteerWezen 14 (embrace rejection)’ 1985-2021 > ‘embracing rejection’ 2021 (photo work)

> worked on ‘hiding behind growing teeth’ 2020 (photo work)
> ‘proefopstelling’ of glass and magazine cut-outs, collaboration with Renée Kool, ao shown in my studio in Foundation B.a.d during the Groot Rotterdams Atelier Weekend > cv collaborations
> a new constellation of ‘VerteerWezens’ in Mirrors of Time, Castle d’Asprémont, Oud-Rekem B
> continuing the ‘VerteerWezens’, ongoing series of papier maché objects and lifesize sculptures:
finishing ‘VerteerWezen 6 (cowering in suitcase)’ 2020, printed ‘behind red arms’ 2020 (photo work)
creating ‘VerteerWezen 11 (protest&berusting)’ 2020 and ‘VerteerWezen 12 (growing teeth)’ 2020 and starting ‘VerteerWezen 13 (sledge carrier)’ 2020-2022
> ‘AAN double/cross’ 2020 (lifesize AAN photos printed on canvas, cut and sewn)
> ‘AAN’ project in collaboration with Julie Müller (fraumuller) for Open Studios Borgerstraat > cv collaborations

> ‘BlueDress CutPhoto’ 2019 (photo work) > collection Berry Koedam
> the installation ‘VerteerWezens’ 2019, combining a selection of finishing pieces with a photo work and vinyl floor elements for BIG ART Zaanstad
> ‘behind shredded lilac’ 2019 (photo work behind VerteerWezen 7)
> ‘behind red arms’ 2019 (photo work behind ‘VerteerWezen 5’)
> ‘behind skins and stones’ 2019 (photo work behind ‘VerteerWezen 9’)
> continuing ‘VerteerWezens’, ongoing series of papier maché lifesize sculptures:
VerteerWezen 7 (lilac shredded)’ 2019,
VerteerWezen 8 (red DenkRaum)’ 2019 (photo work behind ‘VerteerWezen 8’),
VerteerWezen 9 (skins and stones)’ and the related (photo workbehind skins&stones’ 2019
VerteerWezen 10 (in yellow arms)’ 2019

> continuing ‘VerteerWezens’, ongoing series of papier maché lifesize sculptures:
VerteerWezen 2 (standing blue)’ 2018 / ‘VerteerWezen 4 (lying greens)’ 2018 / ‘VerteerWezen 5 (red arms)’ 2018
> ‘…abordons un sujet délicat’ moving light on glass installation, made in collaboration with Renée Kool for zaal 10. Controle en Loslaten in ‘ARS LONGA VITA BREVIS’ Rijksmuseum Twenthe - on show until 2022
> ‘duet (jij en ik)’ 2002-2018 text work from 2002 revisited and printed large scale for ‘ARS LONGA VITA BREVIS’ in Rijksmuseum Twenthe on show until 2021

> ‘Aspects cards readings’ 2017 (continuing making cards and developing as art educational workshop)
> ‘VerteerWezen 1 (crouching orange)’ 2017 and
VerteerWezen 3 (reclining black)’ 2017 and start of ‘VerteerWezen 2 (standing blue)’ finished in 2018
> ‘all dressed up’ 2017 (photo work)
> ‘HandHeld’ 2017-ongoing (series of hand-cut inkjet prints of scans of my arm)
> curating ‘Een moment, nu - Mo(nu)ment’ Arte Concordia 2017 - exhibition in public space, Avenue Concordia Rotterdam

> ‘behind transparan-she’ 2016 (photo work)
> ‘as yet untitled (We Are Free)’ 2016 (text work)
> ‘server serving’ 2005-2016 (slideshow installation) for Club Solo
> ‘Re: Bazar des Facades’ 2005-2016 (photo work) here in Club Solo
> ‘FrothWoman’ 2016 (textile)
> ‘Double Face’ 2016 (textile, wood)
> ‘DoubleArms’ 2016 (cut vinyl, floor piece ‘claiming space’ work) > in Club Solo
> ‘multiple arms’ 2016 textile multiple for Club Solo > commissions
> ‘HALLO’ 2016 (site-specific installation for windows of Club Solo)
> ‘Aspects cards readings’ 2015-ongoing (project)
> ‘Mapping AUTONOOM Voices - Venn diagram’ 2016 (textile object and animation) grad work for Master Education in Arts, Piet Zwart institue Rotterdam
> ‘untitled’ 2016 for Diane Wind drawings)
> ‘Behind Iris’ 2016 (cut iridiscent foil) in Club Solo

> ‘making space series’ 2015 (cut unused photo paper, slowly discoloring)
> ‘Misamee’ 2015 (textile installation for Art Rotterdam booth RAM)
> ‘Glitter Cut series’ 2015 (series of cut-outs of Xmas foil for solo at RAM Galerie, Art Rotterdam)
> ‘Manifesting - AUTONOOM - Voices’ 2015 (spoken text, made during my Master Education in Art at Piet Zwart institute)
> ‘4 in 1’ presentation on my different roles (in Master Education in Art at Piet Zwart institute)
> ‘touch (open up)’ 2015 (flag for Arte Corcordia 2015)
> ‘untitled (for Tanya Rumpff)’ 2015 (cut drawing)

> ‘In A Manner of Speaking - First Language Presentations’ (educational project, MEiA)
> ‘SLITHER’ (cut leather) ao exhibited in my solo 2014 ‘All attitudes, all shapeliness, all belongings’ (Walt Whitman, I Sing The Body Electric) Main Room RAM gallery Rotterdam
> ‘Hiding behind the flow’ (photo work)
> ‘fragmented body double’ (textile work, Mondriaanfonds CollectieOpdracht for TextielMuseum Tilburg)
> ‘freetime drawings’ (drawings)
> ‘EssayField’ 2014, essay as table, written for my term 1. assignment Reading Writing Research during my Master Education in Arts, Piet Zwart institue Rotterdam (2014-2016) > text

> ‘FeltFeld’ 2013 (cut vinyl) > ‘claiming space’ work
> ‘Hiding behind the Shine’ 2013 (cut aluminium adhesive foil)
> ‘On How To Star’ 2013 (cut floor vinyl) > ‘claiming space’ work
> ‘Mother Of A Daughter’ 2013 (cotton)
> ‘Petrified Niké II’ - yellow 2013 (porcelain and plaster)
> ‘Kleid/Käfig’ 2013 (textile), here in the solo ‘Kooi/Käfig’ 2013
> ‘Kooi/Käfig multiple’ 2013 made for my K' stich solo
> ‘golden touch’ 2013 (bronze ink drawing)

> finally publishing ‘S./The Bearer of STATE’ (novel) first online here - final edit still needed
> ‘Petrified Niké’ 2011-2012 (porcelain and textile)
> ‘hemd’ 2012 (porcelain)
> ‘stonelips’ 2011-2012 (photo work)
> more Modellen van het Onbewoordde (cut balsa wood)
> small scale drawings
> continuing ‘a day at the studio’ album on FB
> ‘fragmented hanging) 2011-2012 (porcelain and silver)

> ‘Fig. 2 Twist in my sobriety’ 2011 (clay with terra sigilata)
> ‘untitled (knielende)’ 2011 (clay with terra sigilata) > colleciton Hogeschool Rotterdam
> ‘shield 4’ 2011 (clay and porcelain)
> ‘Little Star’ 2011 (porcelain) > private collection Rotterdam
> ‘Cirkel Vrouw in Cirkel Veld’ 2009-2011 (cut vinyl) ‘claiming space’ work
> ‘yellow writing H’ 2011 (porcelain)
> ‘revolving in this sheath of (im)possibilities’ 2011 (fired clay) > collection Rijksmuseum Twenthe
> ‘paar (2)’ 2011 (fired clay)
> ‘shield I’ 2011 (porcelain) > private collection Lampe Plompen The Hague
> ‘shield II’ 2011 (porcelain)
> series of works in ceramics made at sundaymorning-at-ekwc with support of Fonds BKVB and O&O CBK Rotterdam, work in progress was published on FB at the time
> ‘Instruction.Sculptor.Sculpture’ 2011 (performance video made in collaboration with Renée Kool, camera Erik Weeda)

> ‘FacebookProfile(Re)Framed’ 2010 (slideshow/mov for ‘Corrosia! op de huid’ exhibition in Almere)
> ‘MUIL’ 2010 (textile, in group show Summer of LOVE Wallgallery Rotterdam)
> ‘Y-tree’ 2010 (textile, in last group show at Tanya Rumpff’s Haarlem)
> ‘a day at the studio’ 2010 Facebook photo album reblogged here > external link!
> ‘Stories To Tell Each Other’ 2010 performance in collaboration with Sae Inukai, for the Museum Nacht in Goethe Institut Rotterdam
> ‘ground’ 2010 ink drawing
> ‘geraakte’ 2010 (cut iridescent paper, shown and sold at Tanya Rumpff, ArtRotterdam)
> ‘S./The Bearer of STATE novel in US English, about 450 pages, partly pre-published here > text
> ‘MOA-STAR!’ 2010 English text for Club Donny #5, published April 18th
> ‘PuzzelVrouw I en II’ 2010 (cut life-sized photos each 235 x 130 cm) later used in ‘PuzzelVrouwenSpel (Dubbel)’ 2021
> ‘7th, 8th and 9th in the series ‘modellen van het onbewoordde’ (carved balsa wood)

> ‘Mumbag Karyatide’ 2003-2009 cut photos, back-to-back > (photo work)
> ‘CirkelVrouw’ 2009 (cut vinyl) which later became ‘CirkelVrouw in CirkelVeld’ 2010-
> ‘infante bleue’ 2009 (textile, cut garment)
> as yet untitled (Bite) drawing 100 x 70 cm (ink marker)
> as yet untitled drawing 100 x 70 cm in the ‘faces’ series (graphite and crayon)
> ‘red series’ 2009 (watercolour drawings)
> ‘De Kracht van B.a.d’ 2009 co-wrote this Dutch text as part of the collaborative project ‘B.a.d To The Future!’ as member of Foundation B.a.d
> ‘4th, 5th and 6th in the series ‘modellen van het onbewoordde’ 2009 carved balsa wood
> ‘SplitWoman’ 2009 (drawing > litho commission for the Kunst4Kids project in Museum Boijmans Rotterdam )
> ‘WAT IS TUSSEN ONS’ 2009 (polyester satin installation; version 1: with Ties Ties Bosch in Het Plafond, version 2: with Arie de Groot in the church in De Wijk, Ijhorst, later also exhibited in Castle d’Asprémont B and Oude Kerk Amsterdam)
> lobby, together with Platform Kunstenaars (Z ) 2009 - agreement by the Rotterdam council of our proposal for reinstating ao an individual grant in Rotterdam, titled O&O (research and development) with support of all political factions and then alderman Grashoff (see > BREED cv in Dutch!)

> ‘X-stance’ 2008 (multiple cut&intertwined photos > photo work)
> ‘Toeschouwer I’ 2008 polyester satin
> worked on ‘bellbodystory’ 2001-finished 2021 (animation)
> ‘1st, 2nd and 3rd in the series ‘modellen van het onbewoordde’ (carved balsa wood)
> realised ‘Karin Arink - States of Self’ and ‘Karin Arink - States of Self’ (3 room retrospective in Stedelijk Museum Schiedam and monography)
> ‘faces’ series of drawings 100 x 70 cm
> ‘kiss’ (animation)

> ‘Voelers, geen Voeten’ (Feelers, no Feet) 2007 textile installation for Het Torentje in Almelo > reworked in 2023 for solo ‘Hollow Grounds’ in 2024
> ‘Entwined Family’ 2007 (cut vinyl) @Diddendorp > ‘claiming space’ work
> ‘PoortVrouw’ 2007 (cut vinyl) > ‘claiming space’ work
> reflection on art & art practice, for the book ‘Eenenveertig brieven aan de jonge kunstenaar’ (Forty-one Letters To The Young Artist, published 2007 (Nederlands/English) > republished in Mister Motley in 2016 external link
> preparing ‘Karin Arink - States of Self’ and ‘Karin Arink - States of Self’ (3 room retrospective in Stedelijk Museum Schiedam and monography) both realised in 2008
> ‘S./The Bearer of STATE’ (start writing this artist novel, about 470 pages) > text

> ‘Puzzelvrouw (voor Duchenne Project)’ (multiple, hand-cut A4 pints > commissions](/Commissions))
> ‘Manifold Mumbag & fragments of the white visions’, for the solo in Stichting De Pont Tilburg NL
> ‘Kutschatje Omhelzing’ (holding André van de Wijdeven’s ‘Kutschatje’, in the exhibition ‘FAMILIE’ in TENT. Rotterdam), sewn men’s shirts & PVC
> ‘TijgerVrouw’ (textile and wood)
> ‘PartyAnimal’ (textile) (collection Stedelijk Museum Schiedam)
> ‘target’ (gauze) also in the solo ‘IN/DIFFERENCE’ at Galerie Tanya Rumpff Haarlem
> ‘IN/DIFFERENCE’ (text/invitation)
> ‘you inside of me inside of you’ 2005-2006 floorpiece
> ‘NEXT’ 1999-2006 (animation)

> ‘you inside of me’ 2005 (cut floorpiece), here in LUMC Leiden NL > ‘claiming space’ work
> ‘Puzzelvrouwen’ (cut green/beige floor vinyl piece) > ‘claiming space’ work
> ‘binding (lock)’ 2005 (cut vinyl floorpiece, ‘claiming space’ work) in private collection The Hague NL
> ‘stofdoekencarroussel’ 2005 (cut and sewn dusters)
> ‘bed satin tangle (for Peyron)’ 2005 (textile)
> ‘JMOIUJ - tekens tussen jou en mij’ 2005 project for ‘Magazijn van de Verbeelding’ in CODA museum Apeldoorn > commissions) and cv education & research & committee
> ‘carroussel 1.’ 1991-2005 (silk, stuffing & metal)
> ‘OPLOSRAAK’ 2005 (text

> ‘roseclotH’ 2005 (textile)
> ‘BREED plan for research into the wide scopte of art practices: Dutch version 2004
> ‘4 parts (in 8)’ 2004 (textile hanging piece)
> ‘husks for homeless thoughts’ 1998-2004 (bronze, satin and clay)
> ‘red felt’ 2004 (felt)
> ‘server’ 2004 (stuffed textile) later part of the installation ‘server serving’ 2004-2016
> ‘MADRAS’ 2004 (stuffed textile) (collection Stedelijk Museum Schiedam)
> concept for BREED project 2004 (in NL)
> ‘nigHt at home’ 2004 (cut garment)
> ‘zuiger’ 2004 (ballpoint drawing)
> ‘tangle’ 2004 (text)
> 2 versions of ‘omklamping’ 2004 (ballpoint drawings)

> ‘mumbag karyatide (for The Portable Museum)’ 2003 (cut 2-face photo) > commissions
> ‘claiming space (to shelter you)’ 2003 (cut foil ‘claiming space’ work for Home Sweet Home) Heerlen
> ‘Inlet Woman’ 2003 (cut & sewn photo > photo work)
> ‘Transformer Woman’ (multiple) 2003
> ‘tot hier (up to here)’ 1993/2003 (pencil drawing)
> ‘Anakoloet’ 2003 (cut & sewn (photo work), for Rotterdamse Schouwburg)>commissions
> ‘open up!’ 2003 (clay model) - repaired 2023
> ‘hey you!’ 2003 (start publishing my work on this website)

> ‘w/hole’ 2002 (textile)
> ‘ba-by loook at me (let me put my arms around you)’ 2002 (colour pencil drawing)
> ‘X-pand’ 2002 (animation)
> ‘wearing X-pand to hold you’ 2002 / ‘X-pand at home’ 2002 (photo work) > commissions
> ‘claw - i exist there where you touch me’ 2002 (small scale drawing)
> ‘look at me’ 2002 (drawing)
> ‘between you & me’ 2002 (cut foil in the ‘claiming space’ series)
> ‘jij en ik (duet for you&me)’ 2002 text work for Boijmans publication ‘Talking to You(th)’ 2002
> ‘push me open’ (drawing) 2002
> ‘hap’ 2002 (drawing)
> ‘entrance’ 2002 (cut foil in the ‘claiming space’ series)
> ‘expand! mumbag’ 2001-2002 (animation)
> ‘passageway’ 2002 (cut foil in the ‘claiming space’ series)
> ‘Platland Nieuw Charlois’ (educational programme of 8 workshops for children age 6-12 from Charlois Rotterdam, commissioned by Charlois’ Welzijn) > cv collaborations / commissions

> ‘X-pose (yourself to me)’ 2001 (2-sided cut coated textile)
> ‘H-dress’ 2001 (textile) > ‘wearing H-dress to wooo you’ 2001 (inkjetprint)
> ‘hiding behind milk’ 2001 (cut photo work > list: garments & photo work)
> ‘velvet-lining the space between’ 2001 (cut foil in the ‘claiming space’ series)
> ‘redefine me’ 2001 (pencil drawing
> ‘grab’ 2001 (pencil drawing)
> ‘claiming space (for incorporating you/gate)’ 2001 (cut foil in the ‘claiming space’ series)
> ‘claiming space for the first touch’ 2001 (cut foil in the ‘claiming space’ series)
> ‘claiming space for feeding you’ 2001 (private collection) (cut foil in the ‘claiming space’ series)
> ‘Up!’ 2001 (animation)
> ‘Bump!’ 2001 (interactive animation installation, commission SKOR)
> worked on ‘bellbodystory’ 2001-finished 2021 (animation)
> ‘xstense’ 2001 (e-mail text piece mailed anonymously to x people, addressing you-inside-of-me) > text)

CutDressCutPhoto (purple)’ 2000 (cut photo) (collections: Stedelijk Museum Schiedam, stadscollectie Boijmans Rotterdam)
> ‘felt shelter torn’ 2000 (for the exhibition White Light 2001) > cv
> artist’s pages + ‘ik besta daar waar jij mij aanraakt': NL text on my work published in Kastalia magazine 2000
> ‘H-Elle’ 2000 (cut wax print)
> ‘spine’ 2000 > in overview SOLDES SOLILOQUY SOLO #2 2000
> ‘wooo! confusion!’ 2000 (installation of 2 animations: ‘wooo!’ and ‘confusion’ 1998)
> ‘exposée’ 2000 (cut silk blouse)
> ‘loops’ 2000 (animation)
> ‘des/infect’ 2000 (animation)
> ‘JIN-kanjis of body and self’ 2000 (reactive work, a web of japanese kanji and their meanings)
> multiple projects as member of Foundation B.a.d

> ‘untitled’ work for solo in Museum Nagsael
> ‘CutDressCutPhoto (green)’ 1999 (cut photo, double-sided) (various private collections, and collection Stedelijk Museum Schiedam) > photo work
> ‘navel’ 1999 > later used in ‘navel in the mirror’ 1999/2002
> article published in DECORUM, tijdschrift voor kunst en cultuur, no 2. Transit (artists on the move), “Ijs met de smaak van groene thee, een verslag van een Nederlandse kunstenaar in Japan” reflecting on my one-year stay in Japan
> artists’ pages in catalogue CCA Kitakyushu
> ‘one piece’ in Gigina presentation during workshop of Marina Abramovic in CCA Kitakyushu
> ‘in solitude’ 1999 (English text, audio)
> ‘Enka text improvs’ 1999 (English text video)
> ‘whiteboard writings’ (interactive cd-rom with animations) > presentation in Fonds BKVB
> ‘cutblouse (yellow)’ 1999 shown in presentation at the Fonds voor BKVB Amsterdam 1999
> ‘Oh!’ 1999 (animation)
> ‘VER- 30 manieren om je geliefde te ontmoeten of mis te lopen’ 1999 (Nederlands, text)

> ‘H & splasH’ 1998 (animation)
> ‘confusion’ 1998 (animation)
> ‘wooo!’ 1998 (animation)
> ‘melt’ 1998 (bronze) (private collection)
> ‘bombbody’ 1998 (animation)
> ‘bodymap’ 1998 (large scale drawing)
> ‘twine’ (carved wood)
> ‘slit’ 1998 > (photo, result of the collaboration project Crash Landing Lisboa ‘All About Time’ 1998 with Meg Stuart&Damaged Goods)
> ‘one-piece in Gigina’ 1999

> ‘wikkel’ 1997 (textile, collection Dutch Textile Museum Tilburg) > exhibition ‘1+1 = H> ‘8’ 1997 (textile)
> ‘bidonville’ 1997 (English text)
> ‘omloop’ 1997 (silk)
> ‘meeting and mating’ 1997 (series of red ink drawings on transparant paper)
> ‘kooi’ 1997 (textile) 1997 (private collection)
> ‘H’ and ‘luleka'1997 (textile) > exhibition ‘SOLDES SOLILOQUY SOLO’ at galerie Tanya Rumpff 1998
> ‘pose position’ 1992/1997 (photo work)
> ‘one-piece’ 1996 > ‘one-piece at home’ 1997 / ‘one-piece exposed’ 1997 /
> ‘wringing at home’ 1994-1997 (photo work

> ‘inner space’ 1996 (installation of porcelain fragments) + ‘inner space’ 1996 (Nederlands/English text)
> ‘tweeen’ 1996 (clay, Artimo collection Amsterdam/Aruba)
> holdfold 1996 (ink drawing)
> ‘paar’ 1996 (black clay) (private collection Van Laethem & Roux B)
> ‘one&on&on&on’ 1996 (porcelain fragments)
> ‘push up pull down - Daphne after the hunt’ 1996 (bronze) >commissions

> ‘un cache cache vain’ 1995 (photo work) used as invite for my solo ‘un cache-cache vain’, Galerie Riekje Swart, Amsterdam
> ‘2 pieces for Infections’ 1995 (plaster) for fundament in Park Wolfslaar > cv
> ‘hangende’ 1995 (dense cotton)
> ‘recht/tense’ 1995 (plaster)
> curating the group show ‘WITHINSIGHTS’, in Villa Alkmaer, Rotterdam. Participating artists: Karin Arink, Bibo, Manon de Boer, Arthur Clemens, Liorah Hoek, Annemarie Nibbering, Paul Klemann.
> ‘untitled (bruinroze)’ 1995 (coloured ink drawing)
> ‘orante’ 1995 (wood)
> ‘Handelingen I, II en III’ 1995 (Dutch text) and video work for ‘Binnenruimten’, by Stichting B.a.d, in De kade, a series of presentations by Rotterdam artist run spaces.
> creating ‘nachtdompeling’ for the group show ‘4x4 keuzes’ (4x4 choices), Niggendijker Groningen, selected by critic Din Pieters
> ‘alles is in orde’ : installation of spatial element and our works, in collaboration with Annemarie Nibbering, in Galerie Tanya Rumpff, Haarlem
> solo ‘verstrengelingen’ with text work ‘verstrengelden’ in accompanying folder, and also ‘verstrengelden’ 1994, Helmonds Gemeentemuseum > (review by W. Sütö in De Volkskrant)

> publication published by Jan Mets Amsterdam with text] ‘Gedachteloos voortbestaan’ written by Liorah Hoek
> ‘zusjes (sisters)’ 1994 (clay) (collection Museum Beelden aan Zee Scheveningen)
> ‘hier lig ik’ 1994 (Nederlands, text)
> ‘reste’ 1994 (ochre clay) made during my working period at EKWC
> ‘wringing’ 1994 (clay, Stadscollectie Boijmans Rotterdam)
> ‘arching and infante’ 1994 (porcelain) (private collection Lampe Plompen The Hague)
> ‘verstrengelden’ 1994 (clay, Stadscollectie Boijmans Rotterdam)
> ‘pude’ 1994 (clay)
> ‘pude’ 1994 (textile, Stadscollectie Boijmans Rotterdam)
> ‘Oefening in Hardheid’ 1994 > collaboration with Liorah Hoek > dance

> ‘my neck my back curve silently’ 1993 (clay + wax) (collection Van Abbemuseum Eindhoven)
> ‘verstengelden’ (textile) in ‘4x4 keuzes’ in Niggendijker Groningen
> ‘plaats’ 1993 (text)
> model for ‘orante’ 1993 (carved wood) > see ‘orante’ 1995 (carved wood)
> ‘lascive’ 1993 (textile)
> ‘circuit’ 1993 (velvet)
> ‘Murw speelt Geplette Smaak’, text-based slightly absurdist dance/theatre piece directed by Liorah Hoek, in which I was one of the 7 performers, for furthur dance/theatre/improvs: > dance

> ‘pose’ 1992 + z.t. 1992 (textile) > ‘pose position’ 1992/1997 (photo)> ‘niké’ 1992 (textile and metal) (collection Dutch Textile Museum Tilburg)
> ‘balling’ 1992 (clay) (collection Rijksakademie Amsterdam)
> series of works -ao ‘orgaoo’ 1992 - for the ‘Prix de Rome 1992’ Sculpture Prize and exhibition in Museum Fodor, Amsterdam
> ‘smilE’ 1992 (ink drawing)
> ‘blindfold’ 1992 (clay + paraffin) (private collection Annemie van Laethem & Erik Roux B)
> ‘nachtmare’ 1992 (textile, Stadscollectie Boijmans Rotterdam)

> ‘in stilte geknoopt’ 1991 (textile) (collection Dutch Textile Museum Tilburg)
> ‘nachtmare’ 1991 (textile) stadscollectie Boijmans van Beuningen Rotterdam
> ‘Ophelia and her Double’ 1991 (textile, wire and wood)
> untitled unfinished failed cork drawing made during my first months at Rijksakademie Amsterdam
> ‘hap (bite)’ 1991 (drawing)
> ‘halo’ 1991 (drawing)
> ‘[lascive](/Lascive’ 1991 (textile work, made for my first ever solo in De Oranjerie Rotterdam)
> ‘untitled (together)’ 1991 second-hand nightgoen taken apart, hair-like hemp, metal hanger and stand, later incorporated in ‘AAN -balance together’ 2021
> ‘caroussel’ 1991 (shocking pink silk)
> ‘Hope & measure’ 1991 (drawings)

> ‘soliciting’ 1990 (embroidered text)
> ‘for no one’ 1990 (altered gardening gloves)
> ‘wearing her face’ 1990 (altered mask)
> ‘Frog and Princess’ 1990 (drawing) (Stadscollectie Boijmans Rotterdam)

> ‘Moedervlek Vaderland’ 1989 (large watercolour drawing)
> ‘here - I surround you’ 1989 (drawing / text)
> ‘boog’ (photo / wearable object)

>PoGo: contemporary jewellery/wearable objects in plastics, paraffin, wire, etc,
by Nanette Diks, Esther de Bruin, Annemiek Mion and me, exhibited in gallery in Dordrecht, and shown worn by dancers in Poeldijk and by performers in Delft - while we were all still 2nd year students at what is now Willem de Kooning Academy Rotterdam > cv collaborations