A-Zcv: solos&group shows / prizes and collections / reviews / collaborations / cv education & research & committee / published work / commissions / wide-scope cv in NL
chronological list of works
Karin Arink (Delft, 1967)
lives and works in Rotterdam, the Netherlands
2024 ‘Hollow Grounds’ in Museum Beelden aan Zee Scheveningen, until 1 April 2024
2023 ‘VerteerWezens (handed down, revalued)’ in De Anningahof (until October 2023)
2021 ‘but Arm in Arm with Touch’ first ever online solo on GalleryViewer via RAM Galerie (external link)
2016 ‘Club Solo’ in Club Solo, artist-run space in Breda (publication)
2015 ‘Misamee’ solo in Stand 56 RAM gallery Rotterdam in ArtRotterdam
2014 ‘All attitudes, all shapeliness, all belongings’ (Walt Whitman, I Sing The Body Electric) Main Room RAM gallery Rotterdam
2014 ‘WE EXIST IN DIFFERENCE - OUR INDIFFERENCE ANNIHILATES US’ 2014 (cut foil) for De Aanschouw, Rotterdam (curator Anique Weve)
2013 ‘Kooi/Käfig’, K’strich Raum Aktuelle Kunst Bremen D
2011 ‘Kleider machen Kunst’, duo with Reinhold Engberding, Gerhard Marcks Haus Bremen
2008 ‘Karin Arink - States of Self’ retrospective Stedelijk Museum Schiedam > my facebook album of the show
2007 ‘Voelers, geen Voeten, textile installation for Het Torentje Almelo
2006 ‘Manifold Mumbag & fragments of the white visions’, solo project room De Pont Tilburg
2006 ‘IN/DIFFERENCE’ Galerie Tanya Rumpff Haarlem
2005 ‘Bazar des Facades’ at the Art Brussels fair on invitation of Tanya Rumpff Haarlem
2003 ‘Inlet Woman and Tranformer Woman’ Project Room, RAM foundation, Rotterdam
2002 ‘MUMBAG! leven in de zoogdieromhelzing’, Galerie Tanya Rumpff, Haarlem
2002 ‘I(expose), II (you&me), III (mumbag!)’, solo project for Stedelijk Museum Schiedam
2002 ‘H-dressed to wooo you’, Project Room, RAM foundation, Rotterdam
2000 ‘SOLDES/SOLILOQUY/SOLO #2’, Galerie Tanya Rumpff, Haarlem
1999 ‘1+1=H’, Nederlands Textielmuseum, Tilburg
1997 ‘SOLDES/SOLILOQUY/SOLO’, Galerie Tanya Rumpff, Haarlem
1995 ‘un cache-cache vain’, Galerie Riekje Swart, Amsterdam
1995 ‘verstrengelingen’, Helmonds Gemeentemuseum NL > ‘verstrengelden’ 1994
1994 ‘Six Projects’, Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven NL (cat.)
1993 with Corinne Bonsma at Galerie Tanya Rumpff, Haarlem
1993 ‘lascive’, Oranjerie, Rotterdam
2024 Per Abramsen sculptuur prijs > solo exhibition in Museum Beelden aan Zee
2005 nomination Illy Prize, ArtBRussels B
2001 nomination West Art of Now Awards ArtAmsterdam NL
1999 voorronde Vordemberge-Gildewart Preis
1997 nomination Prix Nouvelles Images
1993 won one of the 3 Deloitte & Touche Prizes
1993 voorronde Prix de Rome Tekenen
1992 First Prize Prix de Rome Beeldhouwen/Sculpture
group exhibitions (selection)
2024 ‘De Kunstparade’ with ‘Voelers, geen Voeten’ 2007-2024 in Museum Prinsenhof Delft (curated by Ellen Borger)
2023 ‘Our Curated Self’ with foundation Debsaysyes in Werkpaard Amsterdam
2023 ‘RaamWerk II’ NE Studios Noordereiland, collaboration with poet Iris Brunia for one of the windows of this studio building, on until October 2023
2023 ‘Perfect till the end. The end of Perfect.’ pop-up exhibition during Rotterdam Art Week, with foundation Debsaysyes, with a.o. ‘behind shredded lilac’ (cut photo) 2021-2023
2023 ‘De Anatomische Les Revisited’ travelling group show, first edition in Gent B, with my ‘VerteerWezen 20 (snowwhite revisited)’ 2022-2023
2022 open studio presentation + work in central hall during ‘Groot Rotterdams Atelier Weekend’ 2022 > mentioned in article on GRAW external link!! in De Kunstbode, with photos by Aad Hogendoorn
2021 ‘CounterBodies’ pop-up exhibition participated twice: 1st one during Art Rotterdam (summer 2021) and 2nd one in December 2021, curated by Marth von Loeben and Vladimir Radujkov, with ao in the first one and ao ‘Voelers geen Voeten’ 2007 prominently in the second one
2021 ‘Night Shift’ during Cultura Nova in Heerlen, exhibition in empty store windows, curated by Laurent Malherbe / Greylight Projects > ‘PuzzelVrouwen Spel (dubbel)’ 2021
2020 ‘Different Dimensions’ online exhibition curated by Berry Koedam on Gallery Viewer
2020 ‘Mirrors of Time’ in Castle d’Asprémont-Lynden Oud-Rekem Belgium, curated by Annemie van Laethem and Eric Roux with a new selection of VerteerWezens > publication
2020 participated in SouthExplorer as member of Foundation B.a.d
2020 ‘AAN’ project in collaboration with Julie Müller for Borgerstraat Open Studios > collaborations
2019 ‘VerteerWezens’ installation combining a selection of finished VerteerWezen pieces with a photo work and vinyl floor elements for BIG ART Zaanstad
2019 ‘CO/LAB’ artist initiatives from Rotterdam and LA present in Torrance Art Museum LA, as member of Foundation B.a.d Rotterdam, with my text work ‘WeAreFree’ (2016 version)
2018 - 2024 ‘ARS LONGA VITA BREVIS’ in Rijksmuseum Twenthe, with my selection from the collection of RMT, of my own work and 2 pieces in collaboration with Renée Kool a.o. ‘Instruction.Sculptor.Sculpture’ 2011
2018 ‘Spider Spit and Broken Bells’ Haperende Mens festival in S/ASH Gallerie Rotterdam with a.o. ‘FrothWoman’ 2016
2017 ‘How to disappear completely’ Garage Rotterdam (curator Yasmijn Jarram) with a.o. ‘Hiding behind the Shine’ 2013 and ‘Misamee’ 2017
2017 various Aspects cards readings e.g. as educational project/workshop in various settings
2017 multiple ‘HandHeld’ voor Galerie RAM op Art Rotterdam
2016 ‘Wishful Thinking’ Kunstcentrum Diepenheim (curator: Alexandra Landré)
2016 ‘Tegendraads met textiel’, Galerie Witteveen Amsterdam (co-curated by Alex de Vries)
2016 FUCK YOU WE WIN in Stichting B.a.d on invitation of Ines Ferreira
2015 ‘Under the Skin’ Nederlands Textielmuseum Tilburg (curator Caroline Boot) with ‘fragmented body double’ 2014
2015 flag for Arte Concordia (curator: Olphaert den Otter)
2015 ‘In Search of Meaning’ De fundatie Zwolle (curator: Anne Berk) with ‘vertrengelden’ 1994 (collection Boijmans Rotterdam)
2014 ‘SALON / Big Bang’, Oude Kerk Amsterdam
2014 ‘Skulptur Bredelar’, Marsberg D (curator Jeroen Daemen)
2014 ‘Drawing Rooms’, Platform Aktuele Kunst, Gistel B
2013 ‘Pulsar#010’ Pulchri Studios Den Haag
2013 in Anningahof Zwolle also in ‘Droombeelden’, selection Liesbeth Brandt Corstius
2013 winterSALON and FlowerCASTLE Keukenhof (curator Gijs Stork)
2012 ‘(DIS)CONNECTIES’ contemporary Dutch sculpture, Galerie Witteveen Amsterdam
2012 my artist novel ‘S./The Bearer of STATE’ in ‘Book Lovers Project’ David Maroto &Joanna Zielinska, M hka Antwerpen2012
2012 ‘Of Untamed Spirit’ Land en Beeld Asperen
2012 De Anningahof Zwolle
2012 ‘8 Vrouwen’, Nieuw Dakota Amsterdam + De Korenbeurs Schiedam - until march 2013: curator Tanya Rumpff, with ao ‘Petrified Niké (pink)’ 2012 and ‘fragmented hanging’ 2012
2012 ‘winterSALON’ ith ao ‘TijgerVrouw’ 2008 in the Bijbels Museum Amsterdam, and outside work in ‘flowerCASTLE’ Keukenhof, both exhibitions curated by Gijs Stork
2011 ‘SHE ME’ Stedelijk Museum Zwolle
2011 ‘Kijker in Beeld’, ‘Instruction.Sculptor.Sculpture’ with Renée Kool, Pulchri Studios Den Haag, curator Sya van t Vlie > collaborations
2011 ‘He Who Travels / Traverse’ collaboration with artist/choreographer Piet Rogie contemporary dance installation piece with musicians, dancers and artists a.o. Leopold Emmen - in GEMAK The Hague and the Rotterdamse Schouwburg, a.o. ‘EntwinedFamily’ 2007
2011 ‘Breekbaar lichaam’ Arink, Berk en Bomans, Stichting Toonzaal Rotterdam, curator Robin Kolleman
2010 ‘Lucht is tastbaarder dan mijn gedachte’ castle d’Aspremont-Lynden, Oud-Rekem, Belgium; curator Annemie van Laethem
with a.o. ‘CirkelVrouw’ 2009 / ‘modellen van het onbewoordde’ 2009-ongoing / ‘WAT IS TUSSEN ONS’ 2009 / ‘reikende’ 1997
2010 ‘Corrosia! op de huid’ in Corrosia Almere, with a.o. ‘FacebookProfile(Re)Framed’ 2010, ‘Transformer Woman’ 2003 and ‘on&on&on&on’ 1996
2010 ‘Summer of Love’ Wallgallery Rotterdam, with a.o. Hester Scheurwater and Lidy Jacobs, and my ‘MUIL’ 2010
2010 last group show Galerie Tanya Rumpff Haarlem, with my ‘Y-tree’ 2010
2009 ‘Daphne, Mythos und Metamorphose’ Gerhard Marcks Haus Bremen, my ‘Daphne after the hunt’ with Lüpertz’ Daphne…
2009 ‘Küf / Mold’, exhibitions in shops in Charlois, Rotterdam, my work ‘CirkelVrouw’ was created for Raveena’s Goud&Zilver shop in Charlois Rotterdanm
2009 ‘IN CASE IT RAINS IT MIGHT INVOLVE WATER’ email expo curated by Marijke Appelman
2009 ‘WAT IS TUSSEN ONS’ in duo with Arie de Groot in the church of De Wijk, ‘Grensloos Kunst Verkennen’, Ijhorst from 10 sept 2009
and ‘WAT IS TUSSEN ONS’, project with Ties Ten Bosch for Het Plafond, Rotterdam, see
2009 ‘200 jaar Prix de Rome’, one of my 1992 prize-winning works, ‘balling’, in group show at Kunsthal Rotterdam
2009 JEUK, Kunstpodium T Tilburg (Apprentice Master project, collaboration with just graduated artists)
2007 ‘Tussen het gebeuren’ De Vishal Haarlem
2007 salon@Diddendorp Rotterdam: curated by Maartje Berendsen & Tamar de Kemp
2006 ‘Opening Rembrandt: Death Dissection & Doctors’, Lloyd Hotel Amsterdam
2006 presentation of ‘Bed satin tangle (for Peyron)’ in Prato and MOCA Shanghai: ‘The Age of Metamorphosis: European Art Highlights from the Centro Pecci Collection’
2006 ‘FAMILIE’ on invitation of Robin Kolleman, TENT. Rotterdam
2006 presentation of the multiple for Duchenne, Kunst RAI Amsterdam
2005 ‘Uitzicht met Zandkorrel’ in LUMC gallery Leiden, curated by Kees Maas en Ella van Zanten
2005 ‘Van de mensen en de dingen’ Z33 Hasselt B
2005 ‘De Paleistuin’ Den Haag Sculptuur The Hague NL > ‘Daphne after the hunt’ 1996 (bronze)
2005 ‘Territoria, arte olandese in Val di Bisenzio’ Prato I > ‘bed satin tangle’ 2005 (installation)
2005 ‘The Blind Leading The BLind’, project initiated by Peter Buggenhout, Lokaal01 Antwerp, B (jan-feb)
2005 ‘Supermerk’ project in NP3 Groningen NL (jan-feb)
2005 ‘Magazijn van de Verbeelding’ CODA Apeldoorn with Tom Claassen, Joost Swarte, Gerben Hermanus and Berend Strik
2004 ’tintelingen’ EMC and Erasmus University Rotterdam, co-curated with C. Ampt and R. Kolleman
2004 ‘Wunderkammer - De Verzameling’, small work in exhibition Lisa Couwenbergh Amsterdam NL
2004 at Fleur Groenendijk’s in Rhoon NL, invited by Paul Cox, with H. Yilmaz, R. Engelen and H. Lamers
2004 ‘Bodytalk’, curated by Anne Berk, Museum Beelden aan Zee Scheveningen NL (until sept)
2004 in De Anningahof Zwolle NL (until sept)
2003 ‘The Seven year Itch’ collection Stedelijk Museum Schiedam NL
2003 ‘Home Sweet Home’ Stadsgalerij Heerlen NL
2001 ‘SQUAT’, Smart Project Space, Amsterdam NL
2001 ‘Visions, use of textile in contemporary art…’, Tournai, B
2001 ‘White Light’, installations in window cases around the Grote Markt Haarlem NL > ‘felt shelter torn’
2000 ‘Exorcism, Esthetic Terrorism’, curated by Wilma Sütö, Museum Boijmans-van Beuningen Rotterdam NL
2000 ‘Meer kleding, minder textiel’, curated by Sarah Slootweg, in Comenius Museum Naarden NL
2000 ‘Whereabouts’, De Veemvloer Amsterdam NL
2000 ‘Flexible III, close to the body’, travelling exhibition:
2000 -Nederlands Textielmuseum, Tilburg NL (cat.)
1999 -Bureau of Artistic Exhibitions, Wroclaw PL
1999 -Landesgalerie am Ober�sterreichiscem Landesmuseum, Linz, A
1999 ‘Parijs, Berlijn, New York, Kitakyushu’, Fonds voor BKVB, Amsterdam, NL
1998 ‘NL’, Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven NL (cat.)
1998 ‘Mutatis Mutandis’, curated by Wim van der Beek, in Broerskerk, Zwolle NL (cat.)
1998 ‘Stof tot nadenken’, Modemuseum, Hasselt B
1997 ‘TAKE OFF’, Galerie Krinzinger in Benger Areal, Bregenz A
1997 ‘Het eigen gezicht’, Rijksacademie in Museum Beelden aan Zee, Scheveningen NL
1997 ‘Sous le manteau’, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac Paris F (cat.)
1996 ‘De Muze als Motor’, Stichting De Pont Tilburg NL (cat.)
1996 ‘De Negen van Touche’, Centraal Museum Utrecht NL (cat.)
1996 ‘The one-line drawing’, Parade, Amsterdam NL & New York USA
1996 ‘State of Mind’, curated by Jeanne van Heeswijk, Villa Alkmaer Rotterdam NL
1995 ‘Review/Preview’, Oranjerie Rotterdam NL
1995 ‘De betekenis van het tekenen’, Rijksakademie Amsterdam NL
1995 ‘4x4 keuzes’ (choices), Niggendijker, Groningen NL, on invitation of Din Pieters
1995 ‘uit de klere(n)’, Galerie van Laethem, St. Truiden B
1995 ‘Infections’, curated by fundament, in Park Wolfslaar, Breda NL
1994 ’l’école d’éole’, Institut Néerlandais, Paris F (curator Koos Flinterman)
1994 solo in ‘Six Projects’, Van Abbemuseum Eindhoven NL (cat.), curated by Jaap Guldemond
1994 ‘7 young artists’, Galerie Nouvelles Images, Den Haag NL
1994 ‘Ik + De Ander, reflections on humanity’, Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam NL
1994 ‘Zoekgeraakte meesters’, De Vaalserberg, Rotterdam NL
1993 ‘Invitaties’, De Waag, Leiden, NL
1993 ‘Nove giovani scultori d’Amsterdam’, San Giovanni Valdarno I (cat.) curated by Thom Puckey
1992 ‘Prix de Rome 1992’, Museum Fodor, Amsterdam NL (cat.)
selected reviews (EN = also in English, D = in German) :
- Tine van de Weyer, ‘Van niets, iets maken’, Beelden magazine, kwartaalblad voor ruimtelijk georiuenteerde kunst, 2#2024, jaargang 27, nr. 100 (on my solo ‘Hollow Grounds’ 2024)
- Sigrid Schuer, ‘Kleider machen Kunst’, in Süddeutsche Zeitung, August 2011 (D)
- Jan Zier, ‘Unbestimmt Associativ’, TAZ (Die Tageszeitung) 20./21. August 2011 (D)
- Johannes Bruggaier, ‘Berürhrt und weggedruckt. Werke von Karin Arink und Reinhold Engberding im Gerhard Marcks Haus’ in, 18-08-2011 (D)
- Jurriaan Benschop, ëHet hart ontbrekend. Over het werk van Karin Arink�, Ons Erfdeel nr 2 2004
- Anne Berk,‘BODYTALK’, Kunstbeeld nr 10, 2002
- Sandra Smallenburg, ‘Arinks textiele beelden…’, NRC Handelsblad, 1999
- Wilma Sütö, in cat. ‘NL’, Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, 1998 (EN)
- Janneke Wesseling, ‘Doordrenkt van vergankelijkheid’, NRC Handelsblad, 1997
- Din Pieters, in cat. ‘De Muze als Motor II’, Stichting De Pont, Tilburg, 1996
- Janet Koplos, ‘Art in the lowlands", Art in America, 1995 (EN)
- Liorah Hoek, ‘Gedachteloos voortbestaan’, Tanya Rumpff /Jan Mets, Amsterdam, 1994
- Din Pieters, ‘Karin Arink’, Metropolis M, nr. 3, 1994
- Elly Stegeman, in cat. ‘Six Projects’, Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, 1994 (EN)
- Leontien Coelewij, ‘Eight artists’, in: cat. ‘Prix de Rome 1992; Sculpture/ Art in the open’, Museum Fodor, Amsterdam, 1992 (EN)
for more, see Reviews
2023 SKE certificaat (senior assessor in Dutch art education) Hogeschool Rotterdam
2022-2023 Leadership training for Course Leaders, Willem de Kooning Academie Rotterdam
2014-2016 Master Education in Arts Piet Zwart institute Rotterdam
2011 European Ceramic Workcentre / Sundaymorning@ekwc Den Bosch
2007 StudieLoopbaanCoach certificaat Willem de Kooning Academie Rotterdam
2004 ‘BREED plan for research into the wide scopte of art practices: Dutch version
1998-1999 CCA-Kitakyushu, Japan
1994 en 1996 Europees Keramisch Werkcentrum Den Bosch, NL
1990-1993 Rijksakademie, Amsterdam
1989 exchange to Städelschule Frankfurt, 3 months
1986-1990 Akademie van Beeldende Kunsten (nu Willem de Kooning Academie) Rotterdam