textile installation of cut and sewn satin bed covers,
here in the church of De Wijk, in the context of the exhibition ‘Grensloos Kunst Verkennen’,
curated by Evert Schoorl in the municipality of Ijhorst, with my work combined with those by Arie de Groot.
in the background: ‘Voelers, geen Voeten’ 2007
the title means: ‘What is between us’: neither question nor statement,
this title was developed by Ties Ten Bosch and Guus Vreeburg,
when the first version of this piece was exhibited in Het Plafond Rotterdam, may 2009
there positioned against Ties’ work on the ceiling
later, this work was exhibited in ‘Lucht is tastbaarder dan mijn gedachten’ 2010 in Castle d’Aspremont-Lynden, Oud-Rekem, Belgium (curator Annemie van Laethem and Eric Roux):

with the ceramic ‘pude’ 1994 and ‘reste’ 1994
and also exhibited in the Oude Kerk Amsterdam during ‘Salon Big Bang’ 2014

related work: ’ bed satin tangle’ 2005 (satin) / ‘Toeschouwer I’ 2008 / ‘Manifold Mumbag & fragments of the white visions’ 2006 / ‘Voelers, geen Voeten’ 2007 /
later exhibition in Castle d’Aspremont-Lynden, Oud-Rekem, B: ‘VerteerWezens in Mirrors of Time’ 2020