‘pude’ 1994
fired clay ± 95x75x45 cm
the self-invented ‘Frenglish’ word "pude" a contraction of "pute"
(whore) and "pudeur" (shame, prudishness)
open center and covered face
exhibited a.o. in ‘Lucht is tasbaarder dan mijn gedachte’ 2010 Castle d’Asprémont-Lynden, B (curated by Annemie van Laethem and Eric Roux) see > ‘Wat Is Tussen Ons’
with the same title: ‘pude’ 1994 (satin and wire)
related carrier work: ‘my neck my back curve silently’ 1993 / ‘reste’ 1994 / ‘orante’ 1995 (wood) / ‘revolving in this sheath of (im)possibilities’ 2011 /
an exposed piece: ‘niké’ 1992 (satin and wire)