'revolving in this sheath of (im)possibilities' 2011 hand-mixed fired clay, 200 x 60 x 60 cm here in the studio where it was made, in the European Ceramic Workcentre Sundaymorning@ekwc, with in the background 'paar |-|' 2011 my first vertical ceramic piece, piling limbs upon body parts in hand-mixed black, white and red chamotte clay - vessel made with support from the Materiaalfonds, Fonds BKVB Amsterdam and O&O subsidies Rotterdam

here detail of the work while exhibited in the Alte Halle of the Gerhard Marcks Haus Bremen, in the duo exhibition ‘Kleider machenKunst’ 2011 with Reinhold Engberding. In the back, one of Gerhard Marks’ works.

‘revolving in this sheath of (im)possibilities’ was also the center piece in my solo ‘All attitudes, all shapeliness, all belongings’ 2014 in RAM Galerie Rotterdam

and is now in the collection of Rijksmuseum Twenthe, where it is on show in the collection presentation '[ARS LONGA VITA BREVIS](/ControleLoslatenALVB)' 2018-2023 and the currect collection presentation

other ceramic work: ‘blindfold’ 1992 / ‘my neck my back curve silently’ 1993 / ‘wringing’ 1994 / ‘pude’ 1994 / ‘reste’ 1994 / ‘paar (2)’ 2011 / ‘Little Star’ 2011-2014 /

other carrier work: ‘orante’ 1995 (wood) / ‘VerteerWezen 7 (lilac shredded)’ 2019 (papier mache) / ‘behind shredded lilac’ 2019-2023(photo work) /

other exhibitions: ‘Kleider machenKunst’ 2011 / ‘All attitudes, all shapeliness, all belongings’ 2014 / ‘ARS LONGA VITA BREVIS’ 2018-2024 Rijksmuseum Twenthe /