‘Voelers, geen Voeten’ 2007
cut satin bed covers, about 500 cm long, diameter of top ring is 125 cm
forming elements between tissue, limb and garment/shelter
here in the exhibition CounterBodies, curated by Marth von Loeben and Vladimir Radulkov in De Achtertuin, 2021
both first and second photo (detail) are crops of photos by Jan Arsenovic

related work: ‘bed satin tangle’ 2005 (satin), ‘Toeschouwer I’ 2008 (satin) / ‘WAT IS TUSSEN ONS’ 2009 / ‘Manifold Mumbag&fragments of the white visions’ 2006 (polyester satin) / ‘FeltFeld’ 2013 (cut vinyl) / ‘fragmented body double’ 2014 (textile fragments) / ‘VerteerWezen 7 (lilac shredded)’ 2019 (papier maché) /