‘Toeschouwer I’ 2008
cut and sewn satin bed covers, about 350 xm x 110 x 70 cm
the title means: ‘Spectator One’
a quilted satin larger-than-life figure, positioned alongside you…
the work was made for the retrospective ‘Karin Arink - States of Self’ 2008 in Stedelijk Museum Schiedam:

here in room 5 ‘in solitude - de binnenruimte’ of my retrospective ‘Karin Arink - States of Self’ 2008 in Stedelijk Museum Schiedam (made with support of the Fonds BKVB - now Mondriaanfonds Amsterdam)
related work: ‘bed satin tangle’ 2005 (satin) / ‘Voelers, geen Voeten’ 2007 (satin) / ‘WAT IS TUSSEN ONS’ 2009 (satin) / ‘Manifold Mumbag & fragments of the white visions’ 2006 (satin, plaster and spoken text) / ‘revolving in this sheath of (im)possibilities’ 2011 (ceramic) /