programme of 8 workshops for children age 6-12 from the neighbourhood of Charlois, commissioned by Charlois’ Welzijn, Rotterdam, 2002
Every workshop, a different aspect of the concept: ‘a place of your own’ resulted in a different element in a specific technique.
After the workshops, the elements were transformed into another dimension: e.g. their self-drawn name ’tags’ were printed onto T-shirts which were given to the kids the next week.
Later, in the presentation at Villa Zebra, these elements together construed the imaginary new neighbourhood: Platland-Nieuw Charlois.

Collaboration with 4 members of Foundation B.a.d: Jitka Andrea, Bibo, and Kamiel Verschuren.
other educational projects: ‘J M O I U J - tekens tussen jou en mij’ 2005 / ‘In a Manner of Speaking - First Language presentations’ 2014 / ‘Aspects cards readings 2017- /