Aspects cards reading #5, July 2016
part of my Piet Zwart Master Education in Art graduation presentation in Dansateliers, Rotterdam
curated by our tutor Clare Butcher - and Eloise Sweetman
The Aspects cards are drawn from affect and spectators can choose to turn any number of them - and select those which speak to them strongly (either positively or negatively)
i then ask them to react in writing on any of the Aspects cards
and have been collecting their notes… with the aim to research later
ongoing project

Aspects cards reading #4 at Willem de Kooning Academy Rotterdam, this time with a group of ‘Autonoom’ (Fine Art) students

Aspects cards reading at St Lucas Gent art school as workshop for the Minor Horizontal Drawing, 2017.
other MEiA pieces: ‘In A Manner Of Speaking: First Language Presentation’ 2014 / ‘Manifesting AUTONOOM Voices’ 2015 (spoken text) / ‘Mapping AUTONOOM Voices’ 2016
other performance pieces: ‘Stories To Tell EachOther’ 2010 (collaboration with Sae Inukai) / ‘Instruction.Sculptor.Sculpture’ 2011 (collaboration with Renée Kool) /