A-Zcv: solos&group shows / prizes and collections / reviews / collaborations / education & research & committee / published work / commissions / wide-scope cv in NL
Karin Arink is Course Leader of the departments BA Photography and BA Autonome Beeldende Kunst, both in the School of Fine Art at the Willem de Kooning Academy Rotterdam, where she is currently also a tutor.
From 2006-2012 she was Studie Loopbaan Coach (coaching the process of studying in relation to the professional development of students) in Fine Art and Photography.
In July 2016, she graduated M Ed at the part-time English-language Master Education in Arts Master program of Piet Zwart institute, Hogeschool Rotterdam: deepening theoretical knowledge, expanding research skills and developing new educational projects.
In her Master graduation project, ‘Mapping - AUTONOOM - Voices’ 2016 she has done qualitative data analysis of the implicit words and values concerning artistic practice.
In her ongoing project Aspects cards Readings, she collects the affect-rich associations on the visual Aspects cards.
professor / guest lecturer / extern gecommiteerde; final exam juror at:
Aki Enschede, Akademie Den Bosch, Akademie van Beeldende Vorming Amsterdam, Akademie Arnhem, Rietveld Akademie Amsterdam,
Akademie Kampen, HKU Utrecht, Frank Mohr Institute, Sandberg Instituut Vrije Vorm, Masters Textielontwerp Sint Lukas academie in Gent(B) 2008 en 2009, Sandberg Glas 2012, KABK Den Haag autonoom dt 2011-2012
and Willem de Kooning Akademie Rotterdam: first lecturer ‘Beroepsoriëntatie’, ‘Conceptontwikkeling’ and ‘Vorm&Beeld’ (1999-2006)- then StudyGuidanceCoach (2006-2012), then
from 2012 Course Leader BA Autonome Beeldende Kunst (Fine Art) and BA Photography
2021interview with me in the WdKA series ‘Meet the Tutor’
research projects & publications
2015-ongoing’Aspects cards readings’ 2015-ongoing
2016 ‘Mapping AUTONOOM Voices’ 2015 MEiA grad project presented in Dansateliers Rotterdam, grad show curated by Clare Butcher and Eloise Sweetman
2015 ‘Manifesting AUTONOOM Voices’ 2015 (spoken text) in TENT Rotterdam during presentation class of MEiA
2015 ‘In a Manner of Speaking - First Language Presentations’ educational project presented at ELIA Teachers Academy Tilburg
2014 ‘EssayField 1’ 2014 (during Master Education in Art - MEiA - Reading Writing Research class by Clare Butcher)
2010 ‘Stories to tell Each Other’ performance on how we communicate without speaking the same language - for Museum Nacht in Goethe institut Rotterdam, collaboration with Sae Inukai
2010 ‘Facebook Profile Reframed’ fascinated by representation on what was for me the first social media tool, i mapped my different profile pics and their visual meanings
> ‘De Kracht van B.a.d’ 2009 co-wrote this Dutch text as part of the collaborative project ‘B.a.d To The Future!’ as member of Foundation B.a.d
2009 ‘Geen geld, geen kunst’ (Nederlands) text on the role-model of the artist as entrepeneur, published January 2009 in the Fucking Good Art #21 magazine > external link
2009: i was an active member of Platform Zonder Kunstenaars Geen Kunst, lobbying for respectand funding for individual visual artists, on introduction of Anne Berk. In close collaboration with Karin de Jong and Harmen Verbrugge, we realized the reinstatement of individual support for Rotterdam-based artists
2007 brief (NL) voor ‘Eenenveertig brieven aan de jonge kunstenaar’ / letter for ‘Forty-one letters for the young artist’- a collective publication from the management teams of Master programs of visual arts and design academies Artez, Willem de Kooning Academie / Piet Zwart Institute, Post St. Joost, Sandberg Institute > re-published in Mister Motley, external link
2006 NL column ‘Oasism’ in BK-informatie 2006.8 (december) on my experiences in CCA Kitakyushu Japan and as host in Foundation B.a.d; ‘Oasism’ as complementation of Nomadism
2005 ‘J M O I U J - tekens tussen jou en mij’ for ‘Magazijn van de Verbeelding - Kind en Kunst V’ in Museum CODA Apeldoorn - research into how postures are also a sign system, using my inspiration images and workshops with children and combining both in short video/animations ao ‘gebaar’ 2005
2004 ‘BREED - Dutch plan for a wider view of the artistic practice application to the then FondsBKVB (now MondriaanFonds), proposal was rejected
2004 ‘Beeld als object, als huls, als ervaring’, 2004 / 2005 (Nederlands and English)
in Sculptuurschrift, text describing the development of my work in relation to my views on ‘sculpture’, written version of my lecture in Museum Beelden aan Zee, spring 2004 > external link to English translation on Academia
2000 ‘JIN-kanjis of body and self’ 2000 (reactive work, a web of Japanese kanji related to ‘body’ - and their meanings)
lectures/talks/presentations/educational projects
2024 artist talk for The Anatomy Lesson Revisited, in CC Beringen B
2023 opening talk for group exhibition in Y/OUR GALLERY, Rotterdam
2021 opening speech for Borgerstraat Open Studios
2018 panel talk on artistic practices and careers, Arti et Amicitiae Amsterdam on invitation of Hulya Yilmaz and Jeanne van Heeswijk
2017 curator for Arte Concordia, exhibition in public space titled ‘Een moment, nu: mo(nu)ment: multiple lectures and tours on the exhibition.
Artists: Juan Beladrich, Willem Besselink, Ellen Boersma, Anna Bondt, Iris Bouwmeester, Paul Cox, Jessica van Deursen, Rolf Engelen, Albert Kliest, Robin Kolleman,
- artist flags designed by more than 35 artists.
2016 artist talk / dialogue with Reinaart Vanhoe, moderated by Steven Ten Thije, in Club Solo
2015 panel discussion on art education, Dag van de Jonge Kunstenaar, KunstpodiumT Leerling/Meester in De Pont Tilburg
2015 ‘In a Manner of Speaking - First Language Presentations’ educational project presented at ELIA Teachers Academy Tilburg NL
2014 TopGemaakt symposium, Tilburg - on materiality in art
2014 ‘In a Manner of Speaking - First Language presentations’ during MEiA
2013 Dag van de Jonge Kunstenaar, KunstpodiumT Leerling/Meester in De Pont Tilburg
2013 openingsspeech in Platform Aktuele Kunst, Gistel, B
2012 openingsspeech in Galerie Hommes Rotterdam
2006 debater forumdiscussion ‘Succes in de Kunst’, Erasmus Rotterdam
2005 ‘J M O I U J - tekens tussen jou en mij’ 2005 for ‘Magazijn van de Verbeelding - Kind en Kunst V’ in Museum CODA Apeldoorn
2002 Platland-Nieuw Charlois > collaboration
Programme of 8 workshops for children age 6-12 from the neighbourhood of Charlois, commissioned by Charlois’ Welzijn, Rotterdam, NL.
Every workshop, a different aspect of the concept: ‘a place of your own’ resulted in a different element in a specific technique. After the workshop, the elements were transformed into another dimension. These elements together construed the imaginary new neighbourhood: Platland_Nieuw Charlois.
Collaboration with 4 members of Foundation B.a.d: Jitka Andrea, Bibo, and Kamiel Verschuren.
committee work:
from 2024 admissions for define art department WdKA
2023 jury member Pulchri Prize The Hague
from 2014 member Raad van Toezicht (board) of Centrum Beeldende Kunst Rotterdam - until 2022
from 2012 Jurylid PROFIEL textielprijs (2013 winner Bart Hess, 2016 winner José Theunissen, 2019: Ada M Patterson)
2014 jury member of the Chabot prize 2014 (winners: Bik van de Pol)
selector for the Van Bommel Van Dam Prize 2011 (Sandim Mendes), 2013 (Marijke Appelman) and 2017 (Miko Veldkamp)
selector for the Bosch Young Talent Show 2013 (selected Inge Aanstoot)
member and later chair of TimeWindow foundation Rotterdam (until 2023)
member committee judging applications to be coordinator RAiR 2012
member of Platform Kunstenaars, CBK Rotterdam (from 2009-2013)
2011-2016 lid aankoopadviescommissie Stedelijk Museum Schiedam
member of the selection committee for CCA Kitakyushu, Fonds van Beeldende Kunsten, Vormgeving en Bouwkunst, Amsterdam 1999 - 2001
jury Lucasprijs Den Bosch 1999 (winner Ksenia Galiaeva)
lid jury Prix de Rome beeldhouwen/sculpture 1997
2023 SKE certificaat (senior assessor in Dutch art education) Hogeschool Rotterdam
2022-2023 Leadership training for Course Leaders, Willem de Kooning Academie Rotterdam
2014-2016 Master Education in Art: part-time English-language Master at Piet Zwart institute Hogeschool Rotterdam
2011 European Ceramic Workcentre / Sundaymorning @ ekwc Den Bosch
2007 certificaat StudieLoopbaanCoach Hogeschool Rotterdam
2004 pedagogisch didactische vaardigheden cursus Hogeschool Rotterdam
1998-1999 CCA-Kitakyushu, Japan
1994 en 1996 Europees Keramisch Werkcentrum Den Bosch, NL
1990-1992 Rijksakademie, Amsterdam
1989 exchange to Städelschule Frankfurt
1986-1990 Akademie van Beeldende Kunsten (nu Willem de Kooning Academie) Rotterdam
Aspects cards readings
2018 Aspects cards Readings on the Bluegrass Festival Rotterdam Noord (via Liorah Hoek)
2018: presenting Aspects cards research on Cafe Chercher @ Research Station WdKA
2018 Aspects cards reading & artist talk in Werksalon Van Abbemuseum Eindhoven, voor de Soroptimisten Club Eindhoven
2018 Plat Vermaak Bro met kaartspelen van Marijke Appelman en Solange Frankort in Wijkcoöperatie Afrikaanderwijk
2017 workshop KCR with Aspects cards Readings
2017 VierVaart excursie eerstejaars Autonoom
2017 Aspects cards reading & writing, contribution to Education Day on artistic research, Willem de Kooning Academie Rotterdam
2017 Aspects cards Readings for LUCA Gent and PABO Leiden
2016 at WdKA Rotterdam
2015 first one suring Making Things Public seminar by Kate Brehme at Master Education in Arts (MEiA) Piet Zwart institute Rotterdam