In A Manner Of Speaking - First Language Presentations 2014-
In art schools in the Netherlands, we educate more and more non-Dutch students, both as Erasmus students and as regular students. We teach them in our version of English (often ‘Globish’: the simplified global version of English) and they present also in that way.
Because identity is in part manifested in/through language, the question is whether we then coach and assess the student on his or her true strengths.
“In a manner of speaking, I just want to say / that I could never forget the way / you told me everything / by saying nothing…”
Tuxedomoon, lyrics, 1985
Contexts: 3rd year (regular & Erasmus) students at WdKA Rotterdam, and at ELIA Teachers’ Academy May 2015, to be continued. Some (first) responses:

I presented this method at the ELIA Teachers’ meeting in Tilburg in 2015
other MEiA projects: ‘EssayField 1’ 2014 / ‘Manifesting AUTONOOM Voices’ 2015 (spoken text) / ‘Mapping AUTONOOM Voices’ 2015 / ‘Aspects cards readings 2015-ongoing /
related project: ‘Stories To Tell EachOther’ 2010 (collaboration with Sae Inukai) /
other edu projects: ‘JMOIUJ - tekens tussen jou en mij’ 2005 project for ‘Magazijn van de Verbeelding’ in CODA museum Apeldoorn /