‘meeting and mating’ 1997
series of 7 wtercolour drawings on transparant paper
each about 39 x 40 cm, framed
the thin line between you and me
the distance opening
exhibited in my solo ‘SOLDES SOLILOQUY SOLO’ 1998 in Galerie Tanya Rumpff Haarlem
some sold to private collectors, some still available!
later also exhibited in ‘Kleider machen Kunst’ 2011 in Gerhard Marks Haus Bremen D
other drawings: ‘claw- i exist there…’ 2004 / ‘holdfold’ 1996 / ‘’red series’ 2009-2010 (watercolour) / ‘re-model series’ 1991-2022 (water colour re-workings of watercolour model drawings of 1992) /
other tweeen you&me works: ‘between’ 2009 / ‘jij en ik (duet for you and me)’ 2002 (text) / H & splasH’ 1998 (animation) /