‘Happiness shield and yellow writing H’ 2011
porcelain 75 x 30 cm and 43 x 52 cm
made the the European Ceramics Workcentre (Sundaymorning @
with support from the Materiaalfonds and Fonds BKVB Amsterdam and O&O subsidies Rotterdam
other text works: ‘plaats’ 1993 / ‘hier lig ik’ 1994 / ‘IN/DIFFERENCE’ 2001-2006 / ‘jij en ik’ 2001 / ‘WE EXIST IN DIFFERENCE - OUR INDIFFERENCE ANNIHILATES US’ 2014 /
other porcelain works: ‘shield II’ 2011 / ‘shield 4’ 2011 / ‘Petrified Niké II’ 2011-2013 /
other body mapping works: ‘Moedervlek Vaderland’ 1989 / ‘bodymap tapestry sketch 2000 /
other small works: ‘orante (model) 1995 (linden wood) / ‘modellen van het Onbewoordde’ 2008-2011 (balsa wood) / ‘open up!’ 2003-2021 (paper clay, papier maché) / ‘HandHeld’ 2017 (cut A4 scan) /