‘wearing X-pand to hold you’ 2002
photo of me wearing ‘X-pand’
posing for you my love
behind an inner space abstraction
‘wearing X-pand to hold you’ 2002 was a.o. exhibited in the solo ‘Kooi/Käfig’ at K’ strich Bremen 2013
somehow this photo is related to my artist novel ‘S. / The Bearer of STATE’ 2012-
other face facade hiding pieces: ‘hiding behind milk’ 2001 / ‘wearing H-dress to wooo you’ 2001 / ‘Hiding behind the Flow’ 2014 (photo) / ‘Bazar des Facades’ 2005-2016, exhibited in Club Solo 2016 / ‘behind skins and stones’ 2019 (photo) / ‘hiding behind witheid (whiteness)’ 2022 (photo) /