‘reikende’ 1995-1997
plaster, 280 x 70 x 55 cm
here in castle d’Aspremont-Lynden in Oud-Rekem, B
in the exhibition ‘Lucht is tastbaarder dan mijn gedachte’ (Air is more tangible than my thought) curated by Annemie van Laethem and Eric Roux, 2010
other work in this exhibition: ‘CirkelVrouw’ 2009 / ‘Modellen van het Onbewoordde’ 2008-ongoing (wood)
another carrier work: ‘my neck my back curve silently’ 1993 (clay & paraffin) /
this work ‘reikende’ was also exhibited in ao FlowerCASTLE Keukenhof (curator Gijs Stork) 2013
and i had the pleasure of making again an exhibition with Annemie van Laethem and Eric Roux in this special place: ‘Mirrors of Time’ 2020