dynamic image : reactive work:
> ‘Bump!’ 2001
reactive work to access 21 animations, made in collaboration with Arthur Clemens.
Made in commission for Revalidatiecentrum De Vogellanden, Zwolle. Commission
coached by SKOR, Amsterdam > commissions_

> ‘whiteboard writings’ 1999: CD-rom, accessing
whiteboard animations made in CCA Kitakyushu Japan 1998-1999, made in collaboration
with Arthur Clemens > cv collaborations

> ‘kanji of body and self’, 2000, Flash-site representing
a research of all japanese kanji’s (chinese signs) related to self, body and

> ‘transpire’ 1999 small series of pages
originally distributed on diskette sent to people during 1999, containing an
animation based on part of the text ‘bidonville