PuzzelVrouwen 2006
multiple A4 made for the Duchenne project initiated by Reinoud van Vugt
multiples sold via my gallery Galerie Tanya Rumpff during my solo ‘IN/DIFFERENCE’ 2006
also part of a box with a set of A4 multiples,
bought a.o. by De Pont Tilburg
in the same magazine my text on my work ‘ik besta daar waar jij mij aanraakt’ 2000
(i exist there where you touch me)
the same image (but then lifesize) was also used for the works ‘Anakoloet’ 2003 / ‘Inlet Woman’ 2003 (cut and sewn photo) / ‘Transformer Woman’ 2003 / ‘PuzzelVrouwenSpel’ 2006-2021 /
other multiples: ‘Glitter Cut series’ 2015 (cut glitter foil) / ‘multiple arms’ 2016 (textile) / ‘HandHeld’ 2017-2021 (cut photos) /