‘Petrified Nike’ 2011-2012
incolored and uncolored porcelain, fired clay and textile 75 x 70 45 cm
made the the European Ceramics Workcentre (Sundaymorning @
with support from the Materiaalfonds and Fonds BKVB Amsterdam and O&O subsidies Rotterdam
here in ‘8 Vrouwen’ in Nieuw Dakota Amsterdam, curated by Tanya Rumpff
and here repaired and exhibited outside in PAK Gistel, B:

unfortunately this work now no longer exists…
i have used the title ’niké’ (inspired by the Nike of Samothrace) in earlier work eg ‘niké’ 1992 -
one of my Prix de Rome works
other porcelain work: ‘inner space’ 1996 / ‘shield II’ 2011 / ‘Happiness shield and yellow writing H’ 2011 / ‘Little Star’ 2011 / ‘fragmented hanging’ 2011-2012 / ‘Petrfied Niké II’ 2011-2013 /