‘paar |-|’, 2011
mixed clay, fired, 90 x 145 x 40 cm
made in the European Ceramic Workcentre (
with support from the Materiaalfonds and Fonds BKVB Amsterdam and O&O subsidies Rotterdam
a.o. exhibited in the Gerhard Marks Haus Bremen in the duo exhibition ‘Kleider machen Kunst’ 2011 and
now broken…
pieces will lead to a new ‘VerteerWezen’ work
other 2011 ceramic work : ‘Petrified Nike II’ 2011-2012 / ‘revolving in this sheath of (im)possibilities’ 2011 / ‘‘untitled Fig. 1 (knielende)’ 2011 / Fig. 2 Twist in my sobriety’ 2011 /
other tweeen you&me ‘duet’ pieces: ‘zusjes’ 1994 / ‘arching and infante’ 1996 / ‘paar’ 1996 / ‘DoubleFace’ 2016 /