‘Mother Of A Daugther 2013
cut and sewn cotton with metal clips
two husks, one flat, one small, made out of one summer dress
about 1m80 x 1m00 x 0m05 cm
ao exhibited in Galerie Witteveen Amsterdam
related mumbag works: ‘ba-by loook at me’ 2002 (drawing) / ‘navel in the mirror’ 2001 / ‘server’ 2004 (object) / ‘infante bleue’ 2009 (textile) /
other related works: ‘X-pose (your self to me’ 2001 (textile) / ‘X-pand’ 2002 (textile) / ‘roseclotH’ 2005 (textile) / ‘behind transparan-she’ 2016 (photo) / ‘Re: Bazar des Facades’ 2016 (cut photo) / ‘GreenDressFun’ 2019-2023 (cut photo) /