‘in stilte geknoopt’ 1991/1992
(all tied up - in silence)
cheese cloth, metal; height about my size: 1m68 high
unwearable straight-jacket, transparant closed circuit
here in the projectroom of Rijksakademie Amsterdam 1991
in the background (untitled hanging arms) 1991, sleeves made from cleaning cloth
collection Nederlands TextielMuseum Tilburg NL
work in same collection: ‘wikkel’ 1997 / ‘niké’ 1992 / ‘fragmented body double’ 2014 /
other in solitude works: ‘boog’ 1989 (photo) / ‘nachtmare’ 1992 (textile) / ‘in solitude’ 1998 (text) /
other closed circuit works: ‘8’ 1997 (textile) / ‘binding (lock)’ 2005 (floorpiece) /