‘inner space’ 1996
consisting of porcelain fragments arranged in space
here about 10x8 m
in the exhibition ‘NL’ 1998 at the Stedelijk van Abbemuseum Eindhoven NL
in the same exhibition, on the reading table, the related text work ‘inner space’
(> NL version of ‘inner space’)
later, this work was a.o. exhibited in one of the ‘wolhokken’ in De Pont Tilburg during ‘De Muze als Motor’, and in my solo Karin Arink - States of Self 2008
an opposite work (the body cramped into a carrier): ‘my neck my back curve silently’ 1993
other fragmented works: ‘on&on&on&on’ 1996 (porcelain) / ‘fragmented hanging](/FragmentedHanging)’ 2011-2012 (porcelain, silver-coated wire) / ‘fragmented body double’ 2014 (textile) / ‘FeltFeld version in Ars Longa Vita Brevis Rijksmuseum Twenthe’ 2018-2022 /