‘H & splasH’ animation 1998-2000
reaching out to touch and melt into an H
‘H & splasH’ was one of the pieces in the ‘!+!=H’ 1999 solo in the Nederlands Textielmuseum
i started making animations during my residency (funded by Fonds BKVB now MondriaanFonds) in CCA Kitakyushu Japan 1998-1999
this animation first consited of 2 separate ones
both were finetuned and edited as one of the ‘Bump!’ 2001 animations…
‘Bump!’ 2001
touchscreen ‘bumping game’ to access 21 animations,
made in collaboration with Arthur Clemens
commissioned work assigned by SKOR for Revalidatiecentrum De Vogellanden Zwolle
(no longer operational alas)
more ‘Bump!’ 2001 animations: ‘wooo’ 1998 / ‘confusion’ 1999 / ‘Oh!’ 1999 / ‘bombbody’ 1999 / ‘des/infect’ 2000 / ‘loops’ 2000 / ‘Up!!’ 2001 / ‘adem’ 2000-2009 /
other sign system pieces: ‘H-dress’ 2001 / ‘Y-tree’ 2010 /
other pieces in the ‘!+!=H’ 1999 solo: ‘kooi’ 1996 (textile) / ‘wikkel’ 1997 (textile) / ‘vertrengelingen moiré’ 1999 (textile entwined work, now in collection Nederlands Textielmuseum) / ‘VER- 30 manieren om je geliefde te ontmoeten of mis te lopen’ 1999 (text work) /