text work ‘Gronden’ written in October 2023
when deciding on the title for my solo ‘Hollow Grounds’ in Museum Beelden aan Zee Scheveningen, until 1 April 2024

based on the terrible events in the world (wars, the effects of climate crisis) i was reminded of the 1988 song by Tanita Tikaram: ‘Twist In My Sobriety’ that I always hear as
“Look, my eyes are just hollow grounds
Look your love has run red from my hands
From my hands and now you’ll never be
More than a twist in my sobriety “
when looking up the song text, i found out that Tikaram actually sang: “Look, my eyes are just holograms”,
but i chose to stick to “eyes are just hollow grounds”

already in my text ‘Sculpture as object, as shell, as experience…’ (= external link to Academia!!) i explored my interest in sculpture-as-shell.

Dutch text published in the leafley accompanying my solo
edited in dialogue with Tine van de Weyer, who included this text in her review in Beelden magazine > review

the Dutch verb ‘gronden’ means literally ‘grounded’, and in Dutch this can mean getting connected to the earth, but also has connectations of running to ground (like a ship) or stuck like a child getting grounded, …

Gronden zijn aangetast, niet vanzelfsprekend veilig
Gronden verschillen tussen jou en mij
Gronden worden ingenomen met geweld
Gronden worden leeggeroofd
Holle gronden verzakken, Holle gronden lopen onder
Holle gronden storten in
Aangetaste gronden zichtbaar maken, zien, voelen
Aangetaste gronden opnieuw leren vertrouwen
Nieuwe verbintenissen zoeken
Binnen de botsingen van deze tijd

other text works: ‘plaats’ 1993 / ‘Handelingen I, II, III’ 1994 /