‘fragmented body double’ 2014
consisting of textile (metallic artificial leather for furniture) fragments, lasercut and sewn, partially cut open, arranged in space (wall and floor)
about 300 x 150 x 110 cm
made as Mondriaanfonds ‘Collectie Opdracht’ for the Dutch Textile Museum (Nederlands Textielmuseum) Tilburg, assignment given by curator Caroline Boot
photo by Josefina Eikenaar

an opposite work (the body cramped into a whole): ‘my neck my back curve silently’ 1993 / ‘verstrengelden’ 1994 (two be come one)
other fragmented work: ‘on&on&on&on’ 1996 (porcelain) / ‘inner space’ 1996 (porcelain) / ‘bed satin tangle’ 2005 / ‘fragments of the white visions’ 2006 / ‘fragmented hanging’ (porcelain) 2011-2012 /