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Karin Arink
(Delft, 1967)
lives and works in Rotterdam, the Netherlands
published work
2025 ‘Reciprocal dialogue’ on invitation by - and in collaboration with - Alicia Kemp
2024 ‘The Idea of Success / Het idee van Succes’, column for Museum Beelden aan Zee Magazine (voorjaar 2024, jaargang 16, editie 38, pag 32) (Nederlands)
2024 in memoriam for Lizan Freijsen 2024 (Nederlands)
2024 ‘Gronden’ 2023-2024 accompanying my solo ‘Hollow Grounds’ in Museum Beelden aan Zee Scheveningen
2018 texts on my collaboration with Renée Kool for room 10. ‘Controle en Loslaten’ in ‘ARS LONGA VITA BREVIS’, Rijksmuseum Twenthe 2018-2024
2016 ‘WeAreFree’ text-as-work here in solo in Club Solo 2016
2014 EssayField for my MEiA at Piet Zwart institute, Trimester 1. Reading Writing Research seminar by Clare Butcher, I wrote this essay-as-spreadsheet
- my artist novel ‘S. The Bearer of STATE’ becomes part of the [collection of M hka b}(/ via the BookLovers project
2010 ‘JJ - Inside Job’ review of the solo of Jeroen Jongeleen in galerie 182a, Rotterdam, for The Week-And, magazine of greater Charlois
2010 ‘MOA-STAR’ text (English) for the Club Donny #5 - magazine for the personal experience of nature in urban environment
2009 I was co-writer of this application for funding&support for the process of BTTF: saving the building for Foundation B.a.d: ‘De Kracht van B.a.d’ 2009
2009 petitie (NL) samen met Harmen Verbrugge en Karin de Jong voor de wethouder en raadscommissie Cultuur in het kader van de lobby van Platform Kunstenaars
en Platform Zonder Kunstenaars Geen Kunst Rotterdam - met als resultaat unaniem besluit door de Raad om subsidie O&O opnieuw in te stellen
2009 ‘Geen geld, geen kunst’ (Nederlands) text on the role-model of the artist as entrepeneur, published January 2009 in the Fucking Good Art #21 > external link
2008 introduction & editing of texts for monograph ‘Karin Arink - States of Self’, available through me (see contact), Motta Eindhoven, and the museumshops in De Pont, Stedelijk Museum Schiedam and Boijmans van Beuningen Rotterdam and Rijksmuseum Twenthe
2007 brief (NL) voor ‘Eenenveertig brieven aan de jonge kunstenaar’ / letter for ‘Forty-one letters for the young artist’
a collective publication from the management teams of Master programs of visual arts and design academies Artez, Willem de Kooning Academie / Piet Zwart Institute, Post St. Joost, Sandberg Institute > re-published in Mister Motley, external link
2006 NL column ‘Oasism’ in BK-informatie 2006.8 (december) on my experiences in CCA Kitakyushu Japan and as host in Foundation B.a.d; ‘Oasism’ as complementation of Nomadism
2005 as member of Foundation B.a.d: NL text for folder ‘B.a.d To The Future!’
2004/2005 NL text for Sculptuur Studies (a publication by Sculptuur Instituut/Beelden aan Zee Scheveningen) ISBN 90-400-9120-X
positioning my work in relation to contemporary sculpture > external link to English translation on Academia
2002 ‘Grenzen’ in folder accompanying the exhibition ‘GRENZEN’: textwork in collaboration with the gyneacologist/curator Kees Maas > cv
2002 ‘jij en ik (duet for you and me)’, in ‘Talking to you(th)’, Boijmans van Beuningen: NL textwork and photo > commissions
2000 Kastalia nr. 3, artist’s pages + " ik besta daar waar jij mij aanraakt": NL text on my work
2000 design frontpage of Opmaat (dd 6 januari 2000) (cultural agenda of De Volkskrant), based on my stay in Japan 1998-99, reproduced in the book ‘41 x OPMAAT’, published by De Volkskrant > commissions
1999 DECORUM, tijdschrift voor kunst en cultuur, no 2. Transit (artists on the move), “Ijs met de smaak van groene thee, een verslag van een Nederlandse kunstenaar in Japan” : NL text reflecting on my one-year stay in Japan
1999 artists’ pages in catalogue CCA Kitakyushu
1997 artists’ pages in catalogue accompaying the exhibtion Het Eigen Gezicht, published by Rijksakademie Amsterdam
1997 ‘Inlet - such stuff as thoughts are made of’ artist book / source book compiled by me, with my introduction positioning my work, published by Artimo Amsterdam
1997 poems published in Surplus
1997 ‘pose position’ on cover of ‘Hoe zij zoekt’, poetry by Lidy van Marrissing, publishers Van Gennep Amsterdam
1995 design cover folder Kennedy van der Laan: drawing
1995 small publication accompanying my solo at the Helmonds Gemeentemuseum NL: photos and text work ‘verstrengelden’ (NL)
1994 contribution for the magazine accompanying the exhibition ‘Ik en de Ander’: text/drawing
1994 * ‘hier lig ik’, in cat. ‘Six Projects’, Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven: text
1993 Plaats, a desire for a Powerful Perception of Presence, Hooghuis: text on place; “de eerste plaats is op de huid…”
1992 Rome Tutti Quanti, publication of stay in Rome, Rijksakademie (met E. Baerveldt, L. King, M. van der Heiden en P. Ticheler), ‘Rome notities’ : series of Rome drawings
for texts by others on my work > reviews
for my texts on my work > text