‘confusion’ 1998
animation based on part of the text ‘bidonville’ 1997
my first animation ever - made during my 1998-1999 residency at CCA Kitakyushu Japan, with thanks to Fonds BKVB (now Mondriaandfonds)
this animation was presented on a screen, with the animation ‘wooo’ 1998 projected over it, as the installation ‘wooo! confusion’ 2000 in my solo ‘Solder Soliloqui Solo #2’ 2000 in Galerie Tanya Rumpff Haarlem
related works: ‘Bidonville’ 1998 (text) / ‘tangle’ 2002 (text) / ‘EssayField’ 2014 (text) /
this animation was finetuned and edited as one of the ‘Bump!’ 2001 animations…
‘Bump!’ 2001
touchscreen ‘bumping game’ to access 21 animations,
made in collaboration with Arthur Clemens
(console made in collaboration with Joris Fiselier)
commissioned work assigned by SKOR for Revalidatiecentrum De Vogellanden Zwolle
(no longer operational alas)
more ‘Bump!’ 2001 animations: ‘bombbody’ 1999 / ‘loops’ 2000 / ‘H & splasH’ 2000-2008 /