‘origin (claiming space for the first touch)’ 2001-2002
cut adhesive foil 165 x 140 cm
exhibited at the ‘MUMAG! leven in de zoogdieromhelzing’
solo at Galerie Tanya Rumpff, 2002 and in Arti & Amicitae Amsterdam in 2012
piece in the ‘claiming space’ series:
cut drawings of negative (interior) body shapes
private domains claiming floor, wall or window space
other [c]laiming space](/Claimingsp) pieces: ‘passageway’ 2002 / ‘claiming space (for feeding you)’ 2001 / ‘binding’ 2005 / ‘FeltFeld’ 2013 /
other mumbag works: ‘MADRAS’ 2004 / ‘Manifold Mumbag & fragments of the white visions’ /