For the outside exhibition ‘Een moment, nu: mo(nu)ment’ took place from 9. September to 8. October 2017.
I curated this Arte Concordia, on request of Olphaert den Otter and Cora Moret.
This exhibition was the 3rd Arte Concordia held in the Rotterdam street Avenue Concordia. This street is a protected cityscape, a monument. The word “monument” evokes stately sculptures in public space and beautifully decorated buildings: memorial signs that refer to a venerated (but often now problematic) past. At the same time, in the Dutch word, the concepts “nu” (now) and “moment” hide: monuments refer to specific moments, to (political) events in time.
During the weekends there were guided tours and passers-by could unexpectedly experience special performances and other acts. The exhibition was visited by both art professionbals, residents, children from a local first grade school and art school students.

In addition to the 13 site specific art works, 38 artist flags, specially made for this edition, were flying on the buildings on the Avenue. At previous versions of Arte Concordia, also artist flags had been produced and presented. I selected many up-and-coming young artists, artists living on the Avenue, mid-career artists like me, and I also selected works from artists from Galerie Herenplaats to be printed as flags.
Most flags addressed the topic of the title ‘Een moment, nu: Mo(nu)ment’ in various ways:

During the exhibition ‘Een moment, nu: Mo(nu)ment 2017, the flags were also flying in the Flag Parade in the center of the city.

other exhibitions curated by me: ‘WITHINSIGHTS’ 1994 / ‘ARS LONGA VITA BREVIS’ 2018 /